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Bloomberg GSAM
Bloomberg GSAM Portfolio Indices
1 Day% -0.17
MTD% 0.25
YTD% 4.86
Index Value 605.31
1 Day% -0.04
MTD% 0.06
YTD% 1.10
Index Value 153.68
1 Day% -0.04
MTD% 0.41
YTD% 0.77
Index Value 168.34
1 Day% -0.05
MTD% 0.53
YTD% 1.12
Index Value 174.99
Bloomberg GSAM Equity Factor Indices
1 Day% -0.78
MTD% -3.45
YTD% -2.21
Index Value 87.13
1 Day% 0.45
MTD% -0.51
YTD% 2.62
Index Value 76.15
1 Day% 0.62
MTD% 0.85
YTD% 7.92
Index Value 130.40
1 Day% -0.17
MTD% -0.18
YTD% 0.55
Index Value 152.89
1 Day% -0.06
MTD% -0.82
YTD% 1.68
Index Value 113.02
Bloomberg GSAM Carry Indices
1 Day% 0.37
MTD% -0.63
YTD% 1.02
Index Value 310.42
1 Day% -0.69
MTD% 0.48
YTD% -1.10
Index Value 127.30
1 Day% -0.08
MTD% -0.55
YTD% -1.65
Index Value 266.54
1 Day% -0.20
MTD% -0.15
YTD% -0.66
Index Value 233.27
Bloomberg GSAM Value Indices
1 Day% -0.05
MTD% 0.85
YTD% 2.54
Index Value 208.58
1 Day% 0.29
MTD% 1.83
YTD% 4.09
Index Value 99.18
1 Day% 0.13
MTD% 1.36
YTD% 3.36
Index Value 126.53
Bloomberg GSAM Trend Indices
1 Day% 0.11
MTD% -0.79
YTD% -1.64
Index Value 165.68
1 Day% 0.24
MTD% 1.47
YTD% 0.79
Index Value 181.10
1 Day% -0.33
MTD% -0.17
YTD% 1.66
Index Value 167.15
1 Day% -0.01
MTD% 0.26
YTD% -0.80
Index Value 133.50
1 Day% -0.01
MTD% 0.08
YTD% -0.17
Index Value 155.91
참조 공시

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